Established by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and practicing the Plum Village Tradition, we share the practice of mindful living.

We openly and warmly welcome the diversity of your experience to this place of refuge and healing wherever you come from, however you look or identify, whomever you love.

Thich Nhat Hanh Memorial

Honoring our beloved teacher

Watch “A Cloud Never Dies”

In response to the war and growing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, our international Plum Village community is releasing A Cloud Never Dies, a documentary about our teacher, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay).

Help us Renovate our Dining Hall and Kitchen

Our beloved dining hall and kitchen, built in 2004, the heart of our community, is in need of renovation and revitalization. The space where we gather to eat, to listen deeply, and to nourish our bodies and spirits is in need of renewal.

Personal Retreats

Join the community of monastics and lay practitioners in following the daily rhythm and practice schedule of the monastery for a weekend, weeklong or longer stay.

Featured Event

“Refreshing Our Body and Mind” General Retreat

August 29th to September 2nd, 2024    

We invite you to join us at Magnolia Grove Monastery for a special retreat to personally experience the energy of mindfulness with the nuns and monks from the Plum Village Tradition. Whether you are new to or advanced in the meditation practice, please know that you are welcome. 

Days of Mindfulness (Sundays)

The day can help support you in your practice of mindfulness, taking an entire day to come back home to the present moment and learn to take care of ourselves. 

Practice with Us Online

You are invited to join us on Zoom for our Online Mindfulness Practice Session on Thursdays from 5:00pm-6:00pm Central Time with Magnolia Grove Monastics.

Sharings from the Monastery

Rose Ceremony on August 18, 2024

Dear Friends,   In the Buddhist tradition, in lieu of celebrating our parents respectively on Mother's Day or Father's Day, ...

Silent Retreat from 10.10.24–10.14.24 Registration Now Open!

Thundering Silence We spend most of our lives pursuing happiness, chasing one thing after another, worrying about the past and ...

90-day Rains Retreat | September 11th to December 15th | Registration now open!

90-day Rains Retreat in 2023-24 The 90-day Rains Retreat is an annual retreat whose origins date back to the time ...

General Retreat | August 29th to September 2nd | Registration + waiting list full & closed

Registration link Dear Friends, Our General Retreat this year is called: "Refreshing Our Body and Mind Retreat" and will take ...

Upcoming Events

Featured Video

A special coverage on Magnolia Grove Monastery
from Mississippi Public Broadcasting

Taking refuge in Mississippi –
The Manifestation of Magnolia Grove Monastery by Paul Davis