US TOUR 2023: The Beloved Community | “I Have Arrived, I Am Home” Retreat | August 30 – September 3 | Registration closes Monday, August 21st

“The Beloved Community” ~ US Teaching Tour 2023  

“I Have Arrived, I Am Home” Retreat, Magnolia Grove Monastery

August 30, 2023 – September 3, 2023

Join the monastic community founded by Thich Nhat Hanh as they host retreats at Plum Village monasteries in New York, Mississippi, and California, continuing the legacy of the beloved Zen Master. We joyfully invite you to practice with us in the upcoming retreats and days of mindfulness, and learn how you can bring the miracle of mindfulness into your daily life.  

The theme of this year’s US Teaching Tour is “The Beloved Community,” and will be guided by the Monastic Disciples of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in the Plum Village tradition. Monastics from Blue Cliff Monastery in New York, Magnolia Grove Monastery in Mississippi, and Deer Park Monastery in California will gather for this tour.

As a part of our US Teaching Tour, we invite you to join us for a special retreat experience, “I have Arrived, I am Home,” where we will share the opportunity to look closely at teachings and practices of mindfulness that can bring joy and harmony into our lives. Come and join us for five days of cultivating peace as a community, from August 30, 2023 to September 3, 2023.

You may have seen the phrase: “Peace in Oneself, Peace in the World,” in Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s calligraphy. Peace, serenity and freedom are ours, in this very moment. During this retreat, we will look deeply into the causes and conditions that produce peace, and we will learn the principles and practices that transform our consciousness toward peace. With those same principles and practices, we can begin to bring peace to our communities and in our relationship with Mother Earth. The monastics invite you to return to the world of the present moment, and we will practice this together during this beautiful event.

We welcome families, couples, and individuals of all ages to join us during this joyful time of living mindfully together.The “I Have Arrived, I Am Home” retreat is a time to be nourished by deep yet accessible teachings, in the harmony and splendor of the fall countryside and the joy of community. We will use the practices of mindfulness to touch the miracles of life, in the midst of the mundane. During this retreat, we will take refuge in simple but transformative daily mindfulness practices, including walking meditation, sitting meditation and eating meditation. We will also have the opportunity to receive mindfulness teachings through Dharma Talks, and strengthen our capacities for mindful breathing, deep listening, and loving speech through the practices of Deep Relaxation,Touching of the Earth, Beginning Anew, and Dharma Sharing.

The monastics will offer programs for all ages, including a Children’s Program dedicated to children ages 6-12 and Teen program for those ages 13-17. The first part of our Dharma talks are dedicated to our children, and parents are welcome to volunteer to support in the children’s program if they would like.

This is an opportunity to come together as a spiritual family and cultivate togetherness. It is also an opportunity for us to refresh our relationships with not only our families, but our relationship with Mother Earth and our ancestors as well. We will practice to allow ourselves to arrive at the home within ourselves, our true home. It is a wonderful retreat for those new to mindfulness practice in the Plum Village tradition, those who have previously attended retreats, as well as for anyone interested in mindful community life. We welcome the participation of people from all backgrounds, and we are committed to fostering a practice environment where all may touch the Dharma and find healing, transformation and nourishment.

Please consider making a donation 

In many traditions, we practice dana by making monetary offerings for the teachings and the teachers. 

For the Beloved Community tour, all US-based monastics will travel to each center to host retreats. We would like to keep the retreat costs affordable so as many friends can attend as possible. If you are able, please consider making a donation in addition to your retreat fee to help support this special US tour.

We bow in gratitude for your generosity.

We hope to make the retreat accessible to all. Please do not hesitate to contact our office ( if you need financial support to attend this retreat and/or if you have any special needs or concerns.

Updated on August 9th, 2023:

For guests “Practicing with the Sisters,” we currently have a short Waiting List for “bed in shared room” accommodations for this retreat. If you’d like to add your name to the list, please register by selecting the resource and click on “Add me to the waiting list” on the right side of the page under “Your Rate.” When a bed becomes available, we will send you a “Reservation Entered” email.

For guests “Practicing with the Brothers,” we currently have a few beds remaining. Please register by selecting the resource and click on “Add me to the waiting list” on the right side of the page under “Your Rate.” Then we can manually assign you to a bed in shared room and will send you a “Reservation Entered” email.

Register for the retreat. Registration closes Monday, August 21st.

This is a four-night retreat. Prices include the cost of all activities, three meals per day and lodging.

  • DORM/CABIN bed in a shared room $100 per night
  • TENT / RV/COMMUTER $60 per night.  (For RV camping: unfortunately we do not have any electrical or water hookups available. You’re very welcome to come with your RV, but please prepare for dry camping accordingly.)

Discounts for seniors & students 20%.

The following nearby hotels kindly offer a special rate to retreatants of the monastery:

Holiday Inn : (662) 563-1234
Days Inn : (662) 563-4999
Quality Inn : (662) 563-6592

Please ask for Magnolia Rate when making reservations.

We look forward to welcoming you soon!


* Do you need a ride or can offer a ride to/from Memphis airport? Please click here to fill out the Google form. We will send you confirmation 3-5 days before the retreat starts.

26 thoughts on “US TOUR 2023: The Beloved Community | “I Have Arrived, I Am Home” Retreat | August 30 – September 3 | Registration closes Monday, August 21st”

  1. RoseMary C. Keleher

    Is the late summer retreat in Mississippi most appropriate , being offered in the the US this year, for a senior ?

    1. Breathe and Smile

      Dear RoseMary,

      Yes, this is a retreat that is most appropriate for senior. Please register early to ensure you have a dormitory space. It can be hot for camping.

  2. Bao Nguyen Nguyen

    My parents would like to join and they can only speak Vietnamese. Is it ok? Thanks!

    1. Breathe and Smile

      Dear Bao Nguyen,

      Thank you for your question. Yes, your parents are able to join as this retreat will be in English and Vietnamese.

  3. I hope to come in August. My husband has some health problems, and I don’t expect to have to cancel, but if I do, is my registration fee refundable? Thanks!

    1. Breathe and Smile

      Dear Kathy,

      Thank you for your question. Below is our cancellation policy:

      Retreat Cancellation Policy at Magnolia Grove Monastery

      Notice of cancellation must be emailed to, attn: “[ NAME OF THEMED RETREAT] Cancellation” or “General Retreat Cancellation,” followed by “ ­ [YOUR LAST NAME, FIRST NAME]. ” Please do not phone in your cancellation.

      The following retreat cancellation charges apply:

      Cancellation more than 3 days before the retreat – a cancellation fee of $50.00 will be charged.

      Cancellation less than 3 days before the retreat – 100% of the full fee will be retained by us.

      Cancellation of retreats by Magnolia Grove Monastery

      Magnolia Grove Monastery reserves the right to cancel a retreat under any circumstances. In this event, you will be offered a full refund for any payments you have made to us already. Magnolia Grove Monastery accepts no further liability for retreat cancellations beyond the retreat registration fee refund. For example, we cannot be liable for any funds spent on advance travel arrangements, such as flight tickets.

  4. Hi! I would love to come to this retreat, however, I would only be able to attend on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Would this be allowed?

    Thank you,


    1. Breathe and Smile

      Dear Amber,

      Friends are encouraged to attend the whole retreat to support the collective energy of the community. You’re welcome to attend the personal retreat for weekend stay.

      Thank you for your understanding.

  5. Dear friends, when will the OI ordination / transmission of the 14 MT take place?? Sunday? This is not part of the healthcare providers retreat, correct?

    1. Breathe and Smile

      Dear Daniell,

      The OI ordination takes place on Saturday, September 2 in the I Have Arrived, I am Home retreat.

    1. Breathe and Smile

      Dear Randy,

      Friends are encouraged to attend the whole retreat to support the collective energy of the community. You’re welcome to attend the personal retreat for weekend stay.

      Thank you for your understanding.

    1. Breathe and Smile

      Dear Dorah,

      The retreat ends after lunch, which is around 2:00pm. However, if you need to leave before lunch, we have lunch boxes available for you.

  6. Thank you so much for the information! Is there a schedule for the retreat, especially for Sunday?

  7. The general information I received for the “I have arrived…” retreat says check-in is usually Fridays from 3-5. Do we arrive Wed. Aug. 30 between 3-5? Thanks! I’m looking forward to it.

  8. Dorah L Rosen

    Hello, it’s Dorah again, what are transportation options to Magnolia Grove from Memphis? I have filled out the form but in case that doesn’t work, what are options?

  9. What is the daily schedule for the retreat Aug. 30 – Sept. 3. Please email the daily schedule to me.. I will be staying at a hotel if I can attend. Thanks

    1. Breathe and Smile

      Dear David,

      Thank you for writing to us with your question. On arrival day, we will hand out schedule to all of our friends.

  10. Jussara Sifuentes Bejarano

    I’m Jussara from Peru, I would love to join for the California retreat but I just saw the registration for Missisipi. Can you help me with the registrarion for California? Where it will be?

    1. Breathe and Smile

      Dear friend,

      Please visit to learn more about the retreats at Deer Park Monastery in California.

  11. Greetings & Blessings is there an opportunity to volunteer?
    We would like to come, possibly stay for a couple of days.

    1. Breathe and Smile

      Dear friend,

      Thank you for your interest in attending the retreat. Unfortunately, the registration for this retreat closed on August 21. We hope causes and conditions will be favorable for you to volunteer in future retreats.

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