BIPOC Sanghas

Connecting BIPOC Sanghas and Affinity Spaces in the Plum Village Tradition

As we continue to “Deepen Our Roots,” nurture the spirit of courage and liberation, and co-create, in the words of Dr. King and Thay, Beloved Community and “communities of resistance,” we know it’s so very important to have affinity spaces that help sustain our practice, while also valuing and validating the impacts that white supremacy and other intersecting forms of systemic oppression have on BIPOC folx.

And the good news is, there are committed BIPOC practitioners in the Plum Village Tradition who are building and sustaining BIPOC Sanghas and affinity spaces outside the monastery. If you want to connect, see the listings below! We hope they will help you generate wellness, joy, and love all year-round!

And remember, you are always welcome here!

Until next time, a lotus and a smile for you!

List of BIPOC Sanghas

  1. Metta Morphosis Sangha – 2nd & 4th Saturday; contact Victoria Mausisa at email address to be added to the mailing list.  
  1. Sweet Blossoming Sangha – weekly Friday; send email to this address to be added to the mailing list for a very comprehensive list of other BIPOC offerings
  1. Garrison BIPOC Meditation Hour – weekly Thursday; see this link to register directly with the Garrison Institute. 
  1. Lotus in the Sea of Fire – for OI Aspirants and OI Members; 1st & 3rd Saturday; contact Juliet Hwang at email address to be added to the mailing list.  
  1. True Home Sangha – weekly Monday night; contact Polly Chu at email address to be added to the mailing list.

Many Faces Sangha – donation-based, weekly Thursday night; all ages, colors, gender/sexual orientations, shapes, sizes + incomes. Join by FB at

What if I’m not sure whether I am considered BIPOC?

We understand that racial/ethnic identity can be complicated and fluid. We also are aware that BIPOC may not be a universally known or globally used identity category. We would, however, deeply advise you to keep the following in mind: If in your daily life, (1) you primarily self-identify as white, (2) others perceive and treat you as white, and (3) you respond in accordance with the social and cultural norms of whiteness, this retreat is most likely not the right fit for you.

“The foundation of a good community is a daily life that is joyful and happy.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh
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