UPDATED: As of 20th August 2022, in light of the easing of Covid restrictions, Magnolia Grove Monastery has suspended most of our previous health protocols which were in place (vaccination status & mask-wearing).
Upon arrival, guests are welcome to join the community as normal. Guests can choose to wear a mask and to keep social distancing during the retreat if they wish to, however, these measures will no longer be a requirement of the community (unless you may have symptoms of Covid-19).
Guests are encouraged to bring their own Covid testing kit. For those with a weakened immune system, please consider taking extra precautions and seek the recommendation of your medical doctor before booking a retreat.
If you experience any symptoms of Covid before you arrive, we encourage you to cancel your retreat and we will arrange for another time for you to come. Similarly, if you recently have been a close contact to someone who has tested before the retreat’s arrival day, we also encourage you to cancel your retreat. Please email the registration office if you are in this situation so we can send you more information.
If you have symptoms and test positive for Covid-19 during your stay at Magnolia Grove Monastery, we will ask you to return home to care for yourself. We do encourage you to take a COVID travel insurance policy so that you can travel back home or be covered for housing expenses if you require public transport to go home.
We do ask for all guests to practice the general protective measures while you stay at Magnolia Grove Monastery, including ventilating bedrooms and indoor spaces regularly during the day, washing hands or applying hand sanitizing gel, coughing and sneezing into the elbow (not into your hands) or into a tissue and putting it in the trash bin, and then washing your hands.
In the event of a Covid outbreak taking place, the monastery may deem it necessary to cancel the retreat, in order to prevent the spread of the virus. This may mean cancelling in the weeks or days leading up to Arrival Day, or on Arrival Day, or during the retreat. This may mean that you may need to be prepared to make alternative travel plans and accommodation arrangements if this happens. We offer full refund to you or reserve the funds for your future visit as you wish.
Please note : These health protocols are subject to change according to the current situation.