March 16 – 20, 2022

We spend a lot of our lives searching for happiness, running from one thing to another, worrying about the past and being anxious about the future. All the while the world around us is overflowing with the wonder and contentment we seek. This beauty calls to us every day, yet we rarely are in the position to listen. If we don’t have silence in ourselves, if our minds and our bodies are full of noise, we can’t hear beauty’s call.

During this retreat we practice the Art of Noble Silence to cultivate the calm within ourselves and experience the profound power of quiet amid our noisy everyday lives.
The gift of silence doesn’t require hours upon hours of solitary meditation or an existing practice of any kind. With mindfulness comes the stillness we need to come home to ourselves and discover who we are and what we truly want.
Please note that all retreatants must observe Noble Silence from the beginning of the retreat until the morning of the last day. Noble Silence means silence of body, speech, and mind. Please refrain from any form of communication with fellow retreatants, whether by gestures, sign language, written notes, etc.
COVID Safety measures
To protect the community and for your own safety and peace of mind, we are taking the following measures for this retreat:
- We will observe the CDC guidelines and wear KN 95 or N95 masks indoors.
- All retreatants must be fully vaccinated, including a booster shot, if due, at least 2 weeks before arrival.
- The number of participants in this retreat is limited to a maximum of 50.
- The numbers of people per room is limited to 1 or 2, unless you come with a group/family you are happy to share with.
- We can offer a limited number of single occupancy rooms at a premium on a first come first served basis. Please make a note of your request on the registration page.
Please let the office know if you have any special needs or concerns.
We look forward to welcoming you soon!
We do not want the cost to block you from our retreats. If you cannot attend a retreat due to cost, we strongly encourage you to ask for a reduction.
This is a four night retreat. Prices include the cost of all activities, three meals per day and lodging.
Adult $100/night, Student/Senior $80/night - TENT / RV/COMMUTER:
Adult $60/night | Student / Senior $50/night
On request, a Guaranteed Single space in a Dorm/Cabin (not a Cabin with Bath) is an additional $50 per night. Request in notes box of registration form. The Office will make the adjustment and get back to you.
This retreat is full. The waiting list is closed.
Register for this retreat