The Great Bell Chant (The End of Suffering)


The creator of this video is R Smittenaar.

Read by Thich Nhat Hanh, chanted by brother Phap Niem.

The creators of this audio track were Gary Malkin, the composer/arranger, producer, and collaborator Michael Stillwater. The work came from a CD/book called Graceful Passages: A Companion for Living and Dying, and it could be purchased by going to

Visuals taken from:
HOME, Earth and Baraka

12 thoughts on “The Great Bell Chant (The End of Suffering)”

  1. Our small sangha in Northern Alabama listens to this chant every meeting. Thay’s voice and brother Phap Niem’s singing is is so beautiful and helps us come back to the true home of ourselves and prepares us to enter meditation with peace, a smile, and the understanding that the present moment is a wonderful moment.

      1. Breathe and Smile

        Dear Chuck,

        You can find the verses chanted by Br. Phap Niem in Vietnamese below:

        KỆ CHUÔNG (1)
        Ba nghiệp lắng thanh tịnh
        Gửi lòng theo tiếng chuông
        Nguyện người nghe tỉnh thức
        Vượt thoát nẻo đau buồn KỆ CHUÔNG (2)
        Nguyện tiếng chuông này vang pháp giới
        Xa xôi tăm tối cũng đều nghe
        Những ai lạc bước mau dừng lại
        Tỉnh giấc hôn mê thấy nẻo về

        KỆ CHUÔNG (3)
        Nguyện tiếng chuông này vang pháp giới
        Khắp nơi u tối mọi loài nghe
        Siêu nhiên vượt thoát vòng sinh tử
        Giác ngộ tâm tư một hướng về

        NGHE CHUÔNG (1)
        Lắng lòng nghe, lắng lòng nghe
        Tiếng chuông huyền diệu đưa về nhất tâm

        NGHE CHUÔNG (2)
        Nghe chuông phiền não tan mây khói
        Ý lặng, thân an, miệng mỉm cười
        Hơi thở nương chuông về chánh niệm
        Vườn tâm hoa tuệ nở muôn nơi
        NGHE CHUÔNG (3)
        Nghe tiếng chuông
        Lòng nhẹ buông
        Tâm tĩnh lặng
        Hết sầu thương
        Tập buông thả
        Thôi vấn vương
        Lắng nghe thấu
        Tận nguồn cơn
        Học nhìn lại
        Hiểu và thương

          1. Kathieen Voigt Walsh

            Hi Peter Davis, I did a translation using a free online translator, and essentially, Thay has done the translation for us! It kind of paints a picture in the original. Try doing the online translation Vietnamese to English and see what you find. Peace to you.

  2. In that one brief moment
    bell speaks her message of love
    my heart opens as a flower in springtime
    and I remember
    who I am
    Thank you

  3. I see you have the words of the bell chant by Br. Phap Niem printed out in Vietnamese. Is it possible to get them in English ?

  4. Unfortunately, that vietnamese translation is missing half of the lyrics from the actual audio cd. Can anyone give the entire vietnamese lyrics to it? I would be most greatful.

  5. May the sound of this bell penetrate deep into the cosmos
    Even in the darkest spots living beings are able to hear it clearly
    So that all suffering in them ceases
    Understanding comes to their heart
    And they transcend the path of sorrow and death.
    The universal dharma door is already open
    The sound of the rising tide is heard clearly
    The miracle happens: a beautiful child appears in the heart of a lotus flower
    One single drop of this compassionate water is enough
    To bring back the refreshing spring to our mountains and rivers.
    Listening to the bell I feel the afflictions in me begin to dissolve
    My mind calm, my body relaxed
    A smile is born on my lips
    Following the sound of the bell
    My breath brings me back to the safe island of mindfulness
    In the garden of my heart, the flowers of peace bloom beautifully.

  6. May the sound of this bell penetrate deep into the cosmos
    Even in the darkest spots living beings are able to hear it clearly
    So that all suffering in them ceases
    Understanding comes to their heart
    And they transcend the path of sorrow and death.
    . . .
    The universal dharma door is already open
    The sound of the rising tide is heard clearly
    The miracle happens: a beautiful child appears in the heart of a lotus flower
    One single drop of this compassionate water is enough
    To bring back the refreshing spring to our mountains and rivers.
    . . .
    Listening to the bell I feel the afflictions in me begin to dissolve
    My mind calm, my body relaxed
    A smile is born on my lips
    Following the sound of the bell
    My breath brings me back to the safe island of mindfulness
    In the garden of my heart, the flowers of peace bloom beautifully.

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