I Love Myself

In the time that has passed since I was at that monastery, I have often written you. I did not send the letters because the words seemed too feeble to express my gratitude. But today, while eating breakfast mindfully, I realized that the week I spent with you saved my life. I stopped eating and cried in thankfulness. As I cried, I saw the face of Thay and all of your faces.

When I arrived at the monastery, I was amazed by the pure joy in your eyes and smiles, I wanted my eyes to shine with that same light. Now they do.

In a few weeks I will start my travels. I am going on the trip that I have always wanted to take, but was too scared to begin. The first part of my trip will take me to California where I will participate in some of the “Wake Up” events! After that I will continue traveling to see friends, work organic farms, and see my country!

I also will continue to make art. My art making process has also been save! It doesn’t make me sad any more. It makes me happy ! And it makes others happy, too.

My relationships with my family and friends are deepening and healing. There are difficulties, but they can be overcome with love and understading. I am so thakful to have the opportunity to really be with them. I am savoring each moment, the lotus and the mud that each of us are made of.

I love you all. I love myself. I love the sky and the trees. I love our Mother Earth. I love this pen and paper. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


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