Inviting Thay’s relics and Casting Thay’s ashes

Dear beloved friends, 

We warmly invite you to join us for a special Day of Mindfulness as we come together to invite our beloved teacher’s relics and ashes. We will have a walking meditation procession to invite Thay’s relics to Being Time hut (Thay’s hut) and spread Thay’s ashes to the Beloved Community Garden and the monastics’ residences. 

Below is the schedule of the day (subject to change): 

7:30am – Inviting Thay’s relics and Spreading Thay’s ashes

11:00am – Thầy Is In Your Heart (sharing in circle)

12:45pm – Mindful lunch

3:00pm – The day ends 

The day also marks the last day of the Silent Retreat. Therefore, we are unable to accommodate weekend overnight stay. Thank you for your understanding and support. 

We kindly ask you to please register for the day.

Please visit the link below for more information:…/events/158127484563/schedule

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