It won’t always be this way

Dear Friends,

Within the last year, Brother Peace lost both of his parents, tragically, to suicide. He wrote this song for them, and for all who suffer with depression. We wish for them deep healing, and continue to practice with them in our hearts. May all beings be happy, safe, and free from sorrow and fear. 🙏

4 thoughts on “It won’t always be this way”

  1. Dear Brother Peace,

    It is so difficult to imagine how you have come to understand and accept the truly sad loss of both of your parents. Your music is a true blessing for all of us who have heard your song and shared with you the pain of your loss. I, too, suffer from depression, though not as severe as that of your parents. Please know that I will be saying the loving kindness meditation for you each day in hopes that it will find its way to you and offer some relief. I look forward to the time when I can return to MGM and offer a hug of condolence to you in person.

    In sadness and hope,

    Keith Andrews

  2. Thank you for the lovely song, it is very comforting to hear, and how much suffering there must be in order to show this level of compassion. A timely reminder in these strange or difficult times that it won’t always be this way. Similarly, during the good times, it is also good to remember to treasure as it won’t always be this way.

  3. Patricia Ridley

    Dear Brother Peace, I am so sorry for your loss. With Love and Light, Patricia Ridley .

  4. I am so sorry for your loss, and so grateful for your compassion and peaceful presence and strength to share with others that things pass, the sun rises, it sets, the wind blows across the grasses, things pass. I too have a story of personal tragedy, some where in my life I learned things do pass- thank you, I will listen and share this song for years. Love & Light, and Lots of Hugs, Anne Marie

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