Support Our Monastery

The practice of generosity, or dana

invites us to share our time and energy to support each other. An important element of dana is giving from the heart, without any expectations or attachments. Your generous donations help sustain our monastery and support us to be a source of refuge for friends; now and many generations to come.


Donations are processed on our behalf through the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation. You can also contact the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation for information about other ways to offer financial support (i.e. check, wire transfer, bequest, etc).
Offering Our Practice

The most precious thing we can offer is our energy of mindfulness. Together we support each other on this beautiful path of practice. We can help the wider community of mindfulness to grow by investing time and energy into our own local community, a sangha, or by helping to create a new sangha. The greatest gift you can offer Magnolia Grove is regularly spending time practicing here. Please visit us!

Offering Financial Support

Another important way to contribute is by making a donation. All of the financial needs of our monastery and sister monasteries are met through donations, retreat fees, and to a smaller extent, through purchases of books and other items.

Offering Service

Finally, we can offer our time and energy through service here at the monastery and beyond. When you get to know the community, you will naturally begin to see our needs and the best ways to help. Please reach out to us with any offer of support or take a moment to discuss service opportunities with any of our monastic brothers or sisters while you are here. We have regular community work days – these work days provide the community an opportunity to spend a Saturday morning working joyfully and harmoniously on a project at Magnolia Grove that needs attention. See our calendar for an upcoming opportunity. Contact your local sangha for opportunities to serve within your local community.

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