Dear Friends,
Magnolia Grove Monastery is overjoyed to be able to host a number of themed retreats this year and to welcome you to practice with us on site. However, we need your help. We cannot do it alone. We are seeking volunteers already familiar with our tradition who are willing to offer mindful service in exchange for a reduction in the price of the retreat.
In particular, we are seeking help for the months of May, June and July.
May 4-8: Grief and Loss retreat “How to Live When a Loved One Dies”
June 8-12: Creative Arts Retreat “Discover the Creative You”
June 22-26: Happiness is Here and Now | Summer retreat (with children’s and teens’ program)
Please contact the us if:
– you have experience in the Plum Village practice of mindfulness
– you would welcome the chance to work alongside the monastics
– you can arrive 1-2 days before the retreat starts and can stay on to help clean up at the end.
– you are happy to join the rotation to help the monastics with cleaning, pot washing and food preparation, or
– you are happy to help out in other areas such as restroom cleaning, tea table, compost and recycling, or children’s or teens’ program (Summer Family Retreat or Holiday Retreat only).
– you are happy to camp, or if there is availability, to sleep in a dorm with others.
Please note that volunteering may require you to miss some activities during the retreat.
In exchange for your help we are offering a 50% reduction on the price of camping. Further reductions may be available upon request depending on your means.
For more information, please contact office@magnoliagrovemonastery.org