Dear beloved friends,
Merry Christmas and Merry Moment to all of you. The year is coming to an end and we want to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude for your love, care, understanding, and transformation. We all have invited ourselves and others to listen to the birds singing, breathe with the wonders of life, and take care of sadness and anger inside in the year 2021. May your diligent and peaceful practice continues to be great source of happiness and healing for you and your beloved ones in the year 2022.
The monastics and friends at Magnolia Grove Monastery wish to invite fully vaccinated friends with proof of vaccination upon arrival to come and celebrate Christmas with us this Friday, December 24. If you wish to come just for the day, please feel free to arrive at a time that is most convenient for you. For weekend stay, please register here.
Below is the schedule of the day:
5:30am – Sitting meditation
7:30am – Breakfast in silence
9:00am – Mindful working meditation
11:00am – Walking meditation (please gather in front of the Rising Tide Meditation Hall)
12:00pm – Lunch in silence
3:00pm – Dharma talk (in Rising Tide Meditation Hall)
5:30pm – Dinner
7:00pm – Be-in (Christmas celebration) (in Rising Tide Meditation Hall)
Dear Beloved Monks and Nuns of Thay
Thank you so very much for this invitation. I so wish I could be there in your presence yet I will breathe deeply following the schedule and be. Thank you for breathing with me.