Oct. 25, 2021: The Monastery is Open to Visitors

Dear Friends, 

Starting on October 31st – November 21st, the monastery welcome fully vaccinated and boosted friends to join us for the Day of Mindfulness on Sundays. Starting on Friday, December 17, we welcome friends who are fully vaccinated with boosters if due and who wish to come for weekend, weeklong, or long term stay.

Because of how well the COVID vaccination works, we are happy to open our monastery to visitors. To keep our community safe, we have always chosen to meet or exceed the CDC guidelines. We now feel safe welcoming fully vaccinated friends with proof of vaccination to visit us in person again.  Friends who have not yet or who for some reason cannot get the vaccination are welcome to join us online.  This may change as we gain knowledge and experience.

We rejoice with friends who offer their gift of good health at the monastery. We are grateful to those who can be present having completed the COVID vaccine process and could also bring the vaccination card with them. 

Bringing your good health and vaccination card will help us build positive energies in the Sangha and help us take even more powerful energies back to our families and communities. This visit may be most significant as we put into practice the power of Interbeing, generosity through our presence and gratitude for all the gifts given and received.

As long as each person is vaccinated, we can safely be unmasked outdoors and inside the Dharma Hall.  Of course, any friend who wishes to mask is encouraged to do so.  We always support people who wish for any reason to be even more careful.

The challenge here is to be able to assure the community that each person who visits is fully vaccinated, especially the large groups.

We wish to assure that friends who come for overnight stays are safe.  Their  numbers are limited.   They will be assigned separate rooms as much as possible unless they wish to share with people they came with.  They give us their vaccination date when they register and on arrival may show their vaccination record and answer the following standard questions:

Have you experienced any of the following symptoms in the past 14 days?

  • Fever or chills           
  • Cough     
  • Shortness of Breath or difficulty breathing     
  • Fatigue     
  • Muscle or body aches       
  • Headache         
  • New loss of taste or smell         
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose   
  • Nausea or vomiting         
  • Diarrhea         

In the past 14 days have you had close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or suspected to have COVID-19?

In the past month, have you travelled outside the country?

It is much harder to assure the community that each visitor is safe on the larger Sunday, Day of Mindfulness.  

We ask that friends who wish to come for the Day of Mindfulness register online or through Eventbrite, telling us their vaccination date.  They will bring their vaccination record when they visit.  They should review those standard questions and not come if any of the questions show a risk.  Registering also helps us with meal planning.

For a weekend, week-long, or long term stay, please click here to register.

As we become more assured that each person is vaccinated we may drop any requirement of masks during the closer contact of Dharma Sharing Groups.

Please bring your record of completed vaccination with you when you visit.  Do not come if any of the standard questions suggest an increased risk.

Keep in touch.  Let us know if you have questions. May peace be with you on the path.

The Office Team.

8 thoughts on “Oct. 25, 2021: The Monastery is Open to Visitors”

  1. The CDC is also recommending mask wearing in addition to vaccination. Do you plan o requiring masks as well? THANKYOU BELOVEDs!!!!

    1. Breathe and Smile

      Dear Mark,

      Thank you for your question.

      As long as each person is vaccinated, we can safely be unmasked outdoors and inside the Dharma Hall. Of course, any friend who wishes to mask is encouraged to do so. We always support people who wish for any reason to be even more careful.

  2. Wonderful to hear. I’m not sure if retreat availability hasn’t been updated yet on the registration page or if the Friday arrival dates after reopening are just full, but after trying all Fridays between December 17, 2021 and January 28, 2022, all of my attempts to register for a two-week retreat were rejected as unavailable/full. Can you please tell me whether those arrival dates are full or simply not updated as available yet? Many thanks in advance.

    1. Breathe and Smile

      Dear friend,

      We hope to have registration for overnight stay available within the next 7-10 days. Thank you for your understanding.

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