Registration open | Order of Interbeing Weekend : Thầy’s Hands in Our Hands

Order of Interbeing members, currently mentoring aspirants, and sangha facilitators are invited to come together as an OI family at Magnolia Grove Monastery for this special weekend retreat. As we continue our beloved teacher through our diligent practice, we also continue him through practicing joyfully together as a multifold Sangha. Immersed in the Sangha, we will enjoy mindful meals, Dharma talks, sitting and walking meditation, chanting, Dharma sharing, workshops and renewing our connections. We know Thầy is with us when we sit, walk, and practice as he taught. Please come and celebrate our community and our teacher in this long weekend of joyful practice. We will not have the 14 Mindfulness Trainings Transmission Ceremony this time. We hope to do so in our future OI retreat.

A Special Visit from Sister Chan Khong | August 19-21

Sr. Chan Khong is the first fully-ordained monastic disciple of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and one of the original six members of the Order of Interbeing will visit Magnolia Grove Monastery from August 19-21. You are invited to join this rare and precious time with Sister Chan Khong before the OI special weekend.


COVID Safety measures

To protect the community and for your own safety and peace of mind, we are taking the following measures for this retreat:

  • To keep our community safe, we have always chosen to meet or exceed the CDC guidelines. We now feel safe welcoming friends who send us proof of having been fully vaccinated with boosters at least 14 days before to visit us in person. A photo of the Covid Vaccination Card must be emailed to
  • We will observe the CDC guidelines and wear KN 95 or N95 masks indoors. We have KN95 & N95 masks and rapid at home Covid test kits available for a small donation.
  • All retreatants are highly encouraged to get Covid testing, PCR test recommended, prior coming to the monastery.
  • For those with a weakened immune system, please consider taking extra precautions and seek the recommendation of your medical doctor before booking a retreat.
  • If you experience any symptoms of Covid before you arrive, please do not come to the monastery and we will arrange for another time for you to come.
  • If you have symptoms and test positive for Covid-19 during your stay, we kindly ask you to return home to care for yourself.
  • The number of participants in this retreat is limited to a maximum of 50.
  • The numbers of people per room is limited to 1 or 2, unless wish to share with a group/family.

Please note : These safety measures are subject to change according to the current situation.

Please let the office know if you have any special needs or concerns by email or in the notes box in the registration form.

We look forward to welcoming you soon!


We do not want the cost to block you from our retreats. If you cannot attend a retreat due to cost, we strongly encourage you to ask for a reduction.

This is a two night personal retreat. Prices include the cost of all activities, three meals per day and lodging.

  • Pricing:    
    • DORM/CABIN bed in a shared room $80 per night
    • DORM/CABIN bed in a single room $100 per night
    • TENT / RV/COMMUTER $50 per night.  
    Discounts for students 20%

* Do you need a ride or can offer a ride? Please click here to fill out the Google form.

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