I know you are there and I'm very happy

Photos: The Art of Communicating Retreat

After more than one year not hosting retreat, the monastics at Magnolia Grove Monastery were happy to welcome friends from different states in the US for The Art of Communicating Retreat, from July 21-25, 2021.

Moment of sitting together in the Rising Tide meditation hall to be present for ourselves and the community was touching.

Seeing the children playing in the playground all day long with so much joy was nourishing.

Kissing the earth with our peaceful steps and mindful breaths were healing.

Eating vegetarian meals in silence with the community was calming.

Lying down in the meditation hall for total relaxation was definitely relaxing.

Listening to the happiness and suffering from others with compassion and understanding was touching.

Being present and allowing the teachings from the Dharma talks to permeate deeply into our hearts was transformative.

What is your favorite moment from the retreat?

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