Photos | BIPOC Retreat | Deepening Our Roots

On April 06-10, 2022, Magnolia Grove Monastery hosted its inaugural BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) residential retreat as an expression of its commitment to creating a safer, nourishing, affinity space for members of our spiritual family who self-identify as BIPOC. We understand that BIPOC people face specific issues due to their racial/ethnic identities, and that cultivating affinity spaces is a necessary step and offers a beautiful opportunity for nourishment and healing, rest and restoration, and the cultivation of clarity and joy. 

During this retreat, our time together focused on firmly rooting ourselves in – the practice of self-care as self-love; building of kinship with each other; acknowledging our diverse historical roots and spiritual ancestors; and embracing the Dharma as a foundation for stability, liberation, and “love in action.”

1 thought on “Photos | BIPOC Retreat | Deepening Our Roots”

  1. Dear Beautiful Beloved Community. My heart sings of joy in your smiles and being able to witness by photo, your deep healing and transformation. Yes how beatiful the Sangha is and can be when we can embrace All. Deep bows to Magnolia Grove, the Monastic Sanga and the Multi Fold Sangha for this cultivation. One day the sangha will be One Mighty Inclusive River together by taking great care of the seeds in affinity spaces. ~scg

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